You’ve got a really solid list of recent credits to your name. How do you go about choosing your roles? Is there a certain something you’re looking for?
Most of the time my agent will send me projects or whatever it may be and I usually read them. You know, for the most part, I’m not super interested in genre specific things. It’s not like, ‘Oh, I wanna do a comedy today,’ or ‘Oh, what’s my next thrilled?’ It’s never that. And I’m sure at some point in my career there will be that decision where I’m like, ‘OK, I need to do this kind of thing or I need to do that,’ but I’m so young now and there’s a lot of growing as an actor that I need to do. I think just trying to find roles that I can make a statement in means something and if I feel connected to a project, if the script is good, if the character seems like something I can do something with, or if there are people attached who inspire me in some way, that’s sort of my process. It becomes more about the project as a whole rather than something specific.
How about in this case? What was the first thing that jumped out at you that made you feel like this was the right project?
This kind of came at me weird. Someone had actually sent me the script before my agents even sent it to me. A friend of mine sent it to me and he said, ‘You are like perfect for this role. You have to read the script.’ It was actually my ex-boyfriend, funny enough. [Laughs] And so I was reading it and I’m like, ‘Whoa, this is kind of good actually,’ and I was really into it and then, of course, two weeks later my team sends it to me and I met the director. And I’d already had such a heavy attachment to it because somebody had sent had to me and then also my agent sent it to me, which never really happens, my personal life and my professional life coming together in that way. I felt like I had this weird connection with it from the beginning and then meeting with Jon and hearing everything that he had to say and how he wanted to make this movie, and how he wanted to cast this movie I thought was really smart. It’s a movie about talking, about literally having a conversation, so the most important thing is having chemistry and I ended up reading with the guy who sent me the script and then I also read with Dylan, and they ultimately hired Dylan and I and it was great. We rehearsed and filmed and it was really incredible. It was such a cool experience. It never happens that way.
Was that guy your ex at the time? This must have been interesting material to be performing with him!
[Laughs] Right? Exactly! It was an ex from like two years ago, but we had stayed in touch, two years at the time, so it’s been awhile now, don’t worry. But it was hilarious being there in the chemistry read and Jon was familiar with the whole thing. It was just such a bizarre experience.
Read the full interview here.